Miigwech for starting the conversation!


miin [blueberry]

The syllabics are Ojibwe. "Miin" means "blueberry", and sometimes just "berry".

The aaniin miin collection is inspired by Skye Paul’s iconic blueberry beaded earrings in our favourite colour palette.

This collaboration shows off Skye’s blueberry style and, whether you have her earrings to match or not, you can rep this iconic design on our embroidered tee.


Skye’s inspiration:

"Blueberries are significant to many indigenous people of turtle island because they sustain and ground us in our roots. When visiting my family in Patuanak, Saskatchewan, my Uncle and Dad wandered around me while I picked blueberries. It was that moment I felt a strong connection to my land and roots and a love for where I came from. My ancestors for generations before me also picked blueberries with family. I bead blueberries to carry on that feeling. When I make custom blueberry earring orders, my customer often sends me an image, like of a sunset over water, to use as colour inspiration for their earrings. My customer's inspiration is personal while the blueberries connect us to each other and the land."

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Woman wearing shirt with blueberry and sweater tied around her chest

Syllabics are at the forefront of our designs to indigenize colonized spaces. We encourage support from non Indigenous allies to help us start the conversation and draw attention to the beautiful Indigenous languages across Turtle Island.